by Susan Denisi | May 5, 2023 | Clog, Dayton, Drain, Float Cup, Ohio, Overflow, Plunger, Rubber Flapper, Tank, Tips and Tricks, Toilet Bowl, Water Damage, Water Source, Water Valve
We’ve all experienced it—the point where you have finished using the bathroom and accordingly flush the toilet. Then chaos ensues! Toilet water continues to rise to the brink of your toilet bowl, and to your dismay, it’s not stopping any time soon. So,...
by Becca Agunga | Sep 9, 2022 | Water, Beavercreek, Dayton, Filters, Hard Water, Maintenance, Plumbing & Drain, Water Filtration, Water Purification, Water Softener
We all need clean water running through our houses. You use it for drinking, cooking, showering, and washing your clothes. Without clean water, you couldn’t do any of those things. If you’d like to learn more about water filtration and purification and why we need it,...
by Becca Agunga | Aug 5, 2022 | Beavercreek, Dayton, Ohio, Plumbing, Plumbing & Drain, Plumbing Services, Tips & Tricks, Toilet
One of the most common and unfortunate plumbing problems homeowners can encounter is a toilet that will not flush. Not only is this incredibly troublesome, but it can also become a sanitation issue. Unfortunately, most homeowners take the toilets around their homes...
by Becca Agunga | Jul 13, 2022 | Money, Beavercreek, Dayton, Drain, Maintenance, Ohio, Plumbing, Plumbing & Drain
When it comes to utility bills, most homeowners pay them as soon as they get the bill. But what if your water bill is higher than normal? Many people can pinpoint why their waiter bill spiked; however, if you run into this issue and haven’t done anything...
by Becca Agunga | Jun 3, 2022 | Dayton, Hard Water, How To, Ohio, Plumbing, Plumbing Services
Water is essential for our everyday existence, and, as property owners, we tend to take it for granted. After all, people require water to live. Therefore, our water is usually okay as long as the tap is on and the water is flowing. However, it is worth noting that...
by Becca Agunga | May 6, 2022 | Ohio, Dayton, Plumbing, Plumbing Services, Toilet
With the evolution of plumbing technologies, it can be hard to determine what myths about plumbing are true or false. With the help of our plumbing experts at Beavercreek Plumbing & Drain, we bust a few common plumbing myths to help you keep your home safe and...