8 Essential Tips for Conserving Water This Summer 

Water Consumption, Beavercreek, Conservation, faucet, leak, Ohio, Plumbing, Water Bill, Water Usage

Summer brings long, sunny days, backyard barbecues, and, for many of us, the challenge of maintaining a lush, green garden under the scorching sun. It’s also the season when water consumption spikes, putting a strain on this precious resource. 

As experts in-home care, we understand the importance of reducing your environmental footprint while maintaining a beautiful garden and comfortable home. Therefore, conserving water during these hot months is crucial for homeowners aiming to lower their water bills and contribute to a sustainable future. 

So, here are eight practical tips from Beavercreek Plumbing & Drain to help you save water this summer without sacrificing your lawn and garden’s aesthetics or your comfort at home. Whether you’re looking to enhance your garden or reduce indoor water usage, our expert guidance ensures you get the most effective solutions. Embrace these tips to enjoy a thriving garden and a sustainable living environment. 

Rinsing Your Produce in a Large Bowl or Container  

Instead of running tap water over each fruit or vegetable, consider filling a bowl with water and rinsing your produce there. This approach not only conserves water but also allows you to reuse it for watering your houseplants, demonstrating an efficient and environmentally friendly practice. 

Not Washing All of Your Dishes by Hand  

While washing dishes by hand can be therapeutic for some, it is not always the most water-efficient method. Modern, energy-efficient dishwashers use less water than washing the same load by hand. These advanced models typically use around 4 gallons of water. However, if you must wash some items by hand, don’t leave the water continuously running. Fill one sink basin with wash water and the other with rinse water.  

Planning Ahead to Thaw Your Frozen Food  

Planning ahead can save water during meal preparation. Instead of using running water to thaw frozen foods, transfer them from the freezer to the refrigerator the night before. This method conserves water and ensures safe thawing. 

Doing Laundry with the Intention 

  • Wash Only Full Loads – Maximizing the efficiency of your washing machine involves running it only when fully loaded, conserving both water and energy. This practice reduces the frequency of washes, saving gallons of water in the process. 
  • Stay Away from Using the Permanent Press Setting – The permanent-press cycle uses an additional rinse cycle to protect clothes, resulting in increased water usage. To maintain the quality of your garments efficiently, consider avoiding this setting unless absolutely necessary. 
  • Watering Your Garden and Outdoor Plants in the Early Morning or Evening   

Watering your garden during the heat of the day can lead to significant water loss due to evaporation. To ensure the water reaches the roots where it’s needed most, try watering your plants either early in the morning or later in the evening. By doing this, you’ll give your plants a better chance to absorb the moisture effectively. 

Keeping Your Pool Covered   

If you own a pool, covering it when not in use can significantly reduce water loss caused by evaporation. Additionally, a pool cover offers the added benefits of keeping your pool clean and minimizing the need for chemicals. 

For homeowners, implementing this simple measure can enhance the longevity and quality of your pool. Utilize a pool cover to not only save water but also maintain a pristine swimming environment with less chemical intervention. Invest in a pool cover today and experience the advantages of a cleaner and more efficient pool. 

Layering Your Mulch on Your Garden Beds   

Mulching your garden beds isn’t just about weed control; it’s an essential practice for retaining soil moisture. A solid layer of mulch reduces soil exposure to the sun, keeping it cool and minimizing evaporation. This translates to less frequent watering and a healthier garden for you. 

Fixing Any Leaky Fixtures Right Away   

A dripping faucet, a leaking outdoor spigot, or a constantly running toilet can waste a surprising amount of water over time. Regularly checking your indoor and outdoor fixtures for leaks and repairing them promptly is essential. By taking proactive steps, you can ensure the efficiency of your home’s water systems and prevent unnecessary waste. If you’re experiencing persistent issues, it’s wise to hire a professional who can provide expert solutions to keep your home running smoothly. Don’t hesitate to give us a call for all your plumbing needs and ensure your home gets the best care it deserves. 

Implementing these tips can make a significant difference in your water consumption this summer. Keep in mind that conserving water is not only crucial for the environment but also beneficial for your wallet. By adopting these practices, you can enjoy a green garden and a comfortable home while knowing you’re doing your part to conserve a vital resource.   

Call Beavercreek Plumbing & Drain today at (937) 404-6575, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here